With the goal to make the invoice friendlier and the payment easier for the customer we have re-designed the invoicing process and developed payme.
We see this process as a customer contact possibility and turn a payment request into a conversation with the customer.
The simplified and automated process leads to faster invoice payments within the requested due date.
Customers receive a personal message with their invoice and can review the invoice amount. Is everything as expected?
Once reviewed customers can trigger the payment with just a click. No online banking required.
That's it. A direct debit request is sent to the bank and executed. Thanks for your payment!
Paying invoices doesn't always feel good. Not because people don't want to pay, no, they maybe don't just understand the invoice amount or wonder what they pay for, when it's not described properly.
payme doesn't let customers alone with their invoices, but makes it a personal moment to connect with them. It leaves out all that legal clutter like invoice numbers, postal addresses or tax identification numbers and focuses on the things that matter: A personal message that explains what has been done and invoiced and, even more important, a direct contact possibility with a person they know. That way, customers can review invoices quickly, clarify questions and, of course, directly trigger the payment.
Paying an invoice needs to feel right. It can't just be a single standard button click, a quick page refresh and that's it. We wanted to make the payment an experience you actually enjoy. Hence we decided to design a clear visual button feedback with inline progress indicator and unmistakeable bold success animation.
Once clicked and seen, you're already looking forward to paying the next invoice. ;)
To execute the payment we have chosen to do a SEPA direct debit. The requirements for the customer are pretty much zero (only requires a bank account in one of the SEPA countries) and it is the cheapest method and we do not need any third party service.
Payme is a simple Ruby on Rails application. We are using our EBICS::Box for the integration with our bank. It generates the SEPA direct debit request and transfers it to our bank using our Open Source EBICS implementation.
EBICS stands for Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard and is an open standard to exchange data with financial institutions. Our EBICS solutions allow simple integration into any application without having to deal with the technical and financial details.
Read more in our blog post: Introducing PAYME - The one-click invoice payment solution and for more SEPA direct debit services also have a look at the solution of our customer SEPAone
We develop sustainable web applications and have worked on a broad range of applications in the financial sector. Check out some of our other projects and get in touch.