Your friendly EBICS wrapper

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EBICS::Box is our comprehensive solution for easily integrating financial transactions into existing systems. All types of transactions are supported. All banks offering EBICS access are supported and one EBICS::Box can handle transfers to and from multiple banks.

The EBICS::Box takes away complexity from the connection of financial institutions. The automated request of account statements or the submission of wire transfers and direct debits become possible for every system without a large development effort. Developers can focus on more essential tasks.

Multiple adapters (HTTP, Message Queue Systems, etc.) allow a quick and easy integration in every infrastructure.

We make sure, that the System is regularly updated with the standards of the German Banking Industry Committee and that the interoperability with the bank systems of the german banking industry is always possible

Find more infos at our ebics box website

How does it work?

The following graphic shows and example integration with the EBICS::Box System:


  • Submit wire transfers and direct debits
  • Capture, sign, and send general payment orders
  • Download account information
  • Batch processing of orders
  • Aggregate transaction information from individual account statements
  • Graphical interface for configuration and management of orders
  • Multiple adapters for integration with existing systems
  • Fulltext search and filtering over account transactions


Example applications

  • Synchronize account transactions - e.g.: for automated posting of invoices
  • Automation of outgoing payments into accounts within the SEPA region
  • Aggregation of account information from different accounts
  • Performing SEPA direct debits directly with the connected bank



Request account transactions for a specific time range

Parsing of bank formats such as the MT940 is not required. Transaction are automatically aggregated and returned in a format that easy to process - JSON or XML.


GET /transactions?from=2014-10-01&to=2014-10-31



Our solutions

    The EBICS::Box is our comprehensive solution for easily integrating financial transactions into existing systems. All types of transactions are supported. All banks offering EBICS access are supported and one EBICS::Box can handle transfers to and from multiple banks.

  • BankLZ

    BankLZ is a web service comprising numerous fintech tools: the SEPA IBAN converter, the BIC/BLZ request, the MT940 parser, etc.


    A platform-independent EBICS command line interface for communicating with financial institutions.

  • Bitcoin white-label solutions

    Our white-label solutions for integrating Bitcoin as a payment service provider into your applications.

  • CSV SEPA Converter

    A tool for converting CSV files containing bank transfer and debit data to SEPA-compatible PAIN-XML format.

  • PayMe

    With just a few clicks your clients can pay invoices sent via PAYME by debit.